Blackside Darter
Percina maculata
About This Fish

The Blackside Darter is widespread throughout central North America in the Mississippi River, Great Lakes, and Hudson Bay drainages, including the Tennessee and Cumberland river drainages, as well as Gulf Coast drainages from Texas to Alabama, including the Mobile Basin. They live in a variety of habitat types in creeks to medium rivers, typically in slower water. As the common name suggests, Blackside Darters have black blotches along their side. While most darters are found on stream bottoms, members of the genus Percina tend to be found higher in the water column because they retain a swim bladder.


Smart, H.J., and J.H. Gee. 1979. Coexistence and resource partitioning in two species of darters (Percidae), Etheostoma nigrum and Percina maculata. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 57(10):2061-2071.